Taking "Green" to Entirely New Levels
Looking out from the Space Needle, you’ll see the Evergreen State in all its glory. We’re just as “green” inside, as we are registered with the certification goal of LEED® Gold. LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design which recognizes the environmentally responsible ethic of our recent $100 million remodel. Space Needle visitors can follow our lead, looking for visionary ways to conserve at home today. And with a view to the future.

All of the delectable seafood prepared at the Needle is caught and harvested using the most sustainable practices. Our focus on local includes AKB beef, Columbia River Salmon, and Anderson Farm lamb. Where the food is prepared is just as stellar. We’re leading by example in our kitchen as well. Over 97% of all eligible equipment was purchased as Energy Star certified. New products incorporating recycled content were used whenever possible. Our waste management efforts are as far-sighted as our views. Over 90% of all disposable items we use are Cedar Grove approved for composting. Be inspired at home as well, looking for products with recycled content and following your community’s recycling guidelines.

During our recent renovation, the entire plumbing system was replaced with an outlook to the 22nd Century. Our commitment to leading with LEED® meant using low-flow, water-saving faucets and toilets to reduce water use more than 40% compared to typical new buildings – saving hundreds of thousands of gallons a year. You can keep the conservation going at home with WaterSense faucets, shower heads and toilets and fixing plumbing leaks. The Needle also follows a comprehensive Green Housekeeping Plan to protect the health of both workers and visitors. Low-emitting paints and flooring aren’t just a sky high achievement. You can protect your health at home by using readily available, low-emitting VOC (volatile organic compounds) products as well.
Our new 360° glass not only heightens the experience, it protects against heat gain in the summer and loss in the winter much better than the original windows. Following top LEED® standards meant using high-tech LED lighting to optimize energy efficiency — working in concert with daylight sensors to power lights only when they’re needed. Use Energy Star Certified Light Bulbs in your home to save energy and money. These light bulbs use 70-90% less energy than traditional, incandescent bulbs, last up to 15 times longer, and save close to $55 in electricity over the course of its lifetime.
Location, Location, Location: The views are spectacular, and so are the nearby opportunities for shopping, working, living, and playing. Consider where you live and work – can you reduce trips or use public transit? Next time you visit the Space Needle or plan other trips, consider various options.
The Space Needle was selected and presented with the 2030 District’s Leadership Award for the Sustainability achievements realized with the Century Project Renovation.
LEED®, and its related logo, is a trademark owned by the U.S. Green Building Council®and is used with permission.